FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q’s)

Below are our most frequently asked questions about exams, contacts, glasses, and eyes. Check out our other patient resource pages to learn more about common vision conditions, the latest technology in vision correction and more!


1. Why do I need an annual eye exam?

Eye health is just as important as taking care of your teeth or body. Eye exams are necessary because they can help prevent vision loss and other eye diseases and ailments. Annual eye exams keep you and your doctor up-to-date on any issues that could arise.

2. How much does and eye exam cost?

Our eye exams start at $145.00. We do accept most major medical and vision insurance plans too!

3. What does an eye doctor do during my annual eye exam?

During a basic eye exam, your eye doctor will cover a few main points, starting with your medical history. Next, they will have you take a visual acuity test to see if you need glasses or contacts. Your doctor may also check the pressure of your eye and if necessary, dilate your eye.

4. How long will the eye appointment usually take?

We strive to spend as much time as needed with each patient, therefore, there is not an exact length of time we can quote for your eye examination. Factors that can influence the length of your exam are dependent on your individual vision needs and the overall health of your eyes.

5. What should I bring to my appointment?

For your appointment, make sure to bring any current glasses or contacts you have and a list of current medications that you are taking. If you are having your eyes dilated, make sure to come with a family member or friend so someone can drive you home if you are unsure of how your eyes function after being dilated (see below).

6. What is dilation and how long does it take to wear off?

When getting your eyes dilated, your doctor will put drops in your eyes. After the drops have had time to work, usually about 15 to 30 minutes, you may start to experience blurry vision and light sensitivity. Dilation is necessary because it gives your eye doctor a better view of your retina by opening the pupil wider to let more light in. This allows your doctor to check for various eye diseases and conditions. Normally, dilation effects last about three to six hours and typically only affects near vision so driving afterward is generally allowed. In children, adults with lighter colored eyes (irides), and patients with certain conditions, dilation could last much longer (up to 24 hours).

7. When should I start getting regular eye exams for my child?

Although annual eye exams are not always necessary for children, we recommended that they have them in stages. The first exam should be done around 6 months old, which is about the time their visual acuity improves. The next exam should occur around age 3, and then again when entering their first grade, around 5 or 6 years old. Children are visual learners and can suffer from nearsighted or farsightedness, astigmatism, or even amblyopia, which is often referred to as a “lazy-eye,” so it is important for them to have exams as well. If your child is bumping into objects, sitting too close to the television or having a difficult time learning in school, it is best to schedule an eye exam to rule out any underlying visual causes.

8. What is the difference between an optometrist, ophthalmologist, and an optician?

Optometrists have a doctor of optometry (OD) degree and can provide full eye care services including exams, prescriptions, and treat most eye conditions and diseases. An ophthalmologist can provide all those services plus perform surgery and have a medical doctor (MD) or doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) degree. If eye surgery is necessary, your optometrist will refer you to an ophthalmologist. Opticians are specialists that have been trained to fit eyeglasses and make lenses to correct vision problems.

9. I have an eye emergency/injury after-hours, who do I call?

For after hour emergencies call 1-316-775-6341 then press 32 to be directed to the doctor on call. The Dr. will return your call within an hour. For severe injuries or vision impairment/loss or if unsure what to do, go to the nearest emergency room!


1. Why should I order my glasses from T&G Eyecare?

Although there are plenty of third-party glasses retailers, ordering your glasses from T&G means 100% satisfaction guaranteed. We can make sure your prescription is correct, help you find any frames to fit your needs and more.

2. How long does it take to get my new glasses?

Glasses are ready in 7 – 10 business days.

3. How should I take care of and clean my eyeglasses?

When you are not wearing your glasses, make sure to store them in a case so they don’t get damaged. The best way to clean your glasses is to use glasses spray or wipes and then a clean soft cloth to dry.

4. What if I don’t like my new glasses?

If you don’t like your new glasses — simple! Let us fix them for you. Whether that be a new frame or a simple adjustment, we want you to be satisfied with your glasses.

5. What is the warranty on my eyeglasses?

Most of our frames and lenses come with a 1 year warranty. Warranties vary based on lens and frame options.


1. Why should I order my contacts from T&G Eyecare?

Ordering your contacts from T&G is just like ordering your glasses from us. We are not only a reliable source for contacts, but, if you are not satisfied with your product, we will exchange them for something you enjoy.

2. How long does it take to get my new contacts?

Most contact lens orders can be picked up within 1 – 2 business days.

3. How do I take care of and clean my contacts?

The first step for caring for your contacts (and your eye) is to make sure your hands are clean whenever you handle them. Use a mild soap when washing your hands if possible and do not apply lotions before touching them. After putting your contacts in, rinse your lens container with contact solution and allow the lens container to air dry throughout the day. When you take your contacts out at night, make sure to put them your lens container with fresh contact solution every time. Don’t use water, saline, or rewetting solution as none of these products will actually disinfect your contacts. The type of material your contacts are made from may cause the care to be different than other contact lenses you have used previously. Be sure to follow the instructions on disinfecting the contact lenses that we give you during your appointment to prevent bacteria, build up and other issues that could damage your contacts and injure your eyes.

4. What lens solution should I use?

Lens solution is different for every patient. We offer a variety of solutions to fit the needs of all patients.


1. How does the eye work?

The anatomy of the eye is extremely complex as there are many parts that work together for you to see. This is just a basic explanation of how seeing works. First, light rays have to enter through the cornea, which then bends the light rays so they pass through the pupil. Much like a camera shutter, the iris will enlarge or shrink depending on how much light is being passed through. Next, the light passes through the lens which will shorten or lengthen its width to properly focus. Then the light comes to a sharp focus point on the retina which captures the light rays and processes them into electrical impulses. The electrical impulses are then sent to through the optic nerve to the brain which interprets the image and lets you know what you are seeing!

2. What is considered “legally blind”?

To be considered legally blind, neither eye would be able to see better than a visual acuity of 20/200 vision. Visual acuity is the number that indicates sharpness or clarity. This means, based off of the universal standard of 20/20 vision, a person that sees 20/200 who is 20 feet away from the eye chart sees what someone with unimpaired vision would see from 200 feet away. This is usually the top line of a vision chart.

3. What is low vision?

Low vision means there is significant visual impairment that will not be corrected through glasses, contacts, or surgery. Although it may sound similar to being legally blind, they are still separate issues as low vision can still be helped through means such as glasses or contacts.

4. What is digital eye strain?

Digital eye strain (DES) is exactly what it sounds like. DES is caused by looking too long at a phone, laptop, or other electronic devices. This can cause headaches, dry or itchy eyes, irritated eyes, or discomfort from staring too long.

5. Is pink eye contagious?

Since pink eye, or conjunctivitis, could be caused by an allergy, bacteria or virus, it is best to seek medical attention to determine if it may be contagious. Allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious and should resolve with proper treatment.

6. What is astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a condition of the eye that causes the eye to not focus all the light entering it into one focus point. Astigmatism can be combined with nearsightedness or farsightedness or may be by itself. As a result, the lens that is used to correct astigmatism will have an “out of round” surface. Often an attempt to describe astigmatism will include a comparison of the eye to the side of a football. The long curve of the side of the football would not focus light the same as the short curve.

7. Can UV rays hurt my eyes?

Yes, extended exposure to UV rays can cause many eye problems such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and other forms of eye damage. It is important to wear sunglasses when you are outside to protect your eyes from these issues.